Build Website Traffic with Google Quality Signals
Google uses Quality Signals to rank your website based on their #algorithm. Google looks for these four #SEO signals and others to rank your website:
Is your content readable?
Making sure your content on your website is easy to read and understandable, makes the end user happy and Google, too.
Is your content quality:
Is your website copy factual and provide value to your customer search? Make sure you use Google’s #EAT — expertise, authority, and trust; when it comes to your content writing.
If you answer your customer questions through your website, it will provide a better user experience along with a quality #SEOSignal to your website.
How is your #backlink portfolio looking like?
Backlinks are still a signal to ranking on Google and measuring the number of external sources are linking back to your content is important. Making sure your backlinks are quality and not spammy is even more important in 2020.
How popular is your social media?
Is the content you are producing and posting on social media, earning engagement, shares, likes, and comments? Google looks at how popular your content is as a ranking factor. If you are sending social media traffic to your website and they are sticking longer, it will show Google that your website is popular.
These are just some rankings factors into what Google is looking for when it comes to SEO quality signals. Companies should look at digital marketing from a holistic approach and utilize all marketing channels available.
Making sure you are focusing at least on these four SEO quality signals will give you a heads start against your local competitors — Contact ilocal SEO for a free 30 minute #SEOConsultation —